Mullins Family 1652-present
From 1652-1740, all the Virginia Mullins families lived within a forty-mile radius and all that show up in the land records have been abstracted and published in Cavaliers and Pioneers, in three volumes, by Nell Marion Nugent. I will begin by simply recording here the presence of the 8 or so households of Mullins present in the settled part of Virginia from 1652-1699, a period of time that would have seen our own immigrant ancestor reach the shores of Virginia from England where the family had been given refuge for 20 years or more from the ravages of the Wars of Religion in France. The name Mullins has been acknowledged as a French Huguenot name by the National Huguenot Society.
A) Mullins, John came as a headright of Captain Augustine Warner, 26 October, 1652. John probably was settled on part of the land granted to the Captain for transporting John Mullins and 49 other persons to Virginia. The 2500 acres was situated on the South side of the Peanketank (Pinkoteague?) River, "beginning at a marked tree of the Indians land..." Gloucester County (now Mathews County).
B) Mullen, Thomas, a headright of John Sharpe who was granted 540 acres in Rappahannock Coutny, 28 November, 1664 for transporting Thomas Mullen (Mullins) and 10 other persons. Thomas Mullen was probably settled on this land located near Bagnall's Plantations, now known as Bellevue.
C) Mullins, John, a headright of Cornelius Debany (Dabney), who was granted 640 acres "upon the lower side of Tottopotomoys Creek" for the transport of 13 persons on 7 June, 1666. This is also in what was once old Rappahannock County, on the South side of the James River, above Richmond in that part of the later New Kent County that became Hanover County. This is the first breeding ground of our line of Mullins. It is very possible that this John Mullins is our immigrant ancestor. A further bit of genealogical evidence is the arrival of another of our allied families -- that headed by Richard Terry -- whose transport is recorded on the same day, 7 June, 1666, as a headright of Captain Joseph Bridger, on land in Nansemond County. Not only our allied Terry family was a headright of Bridger, but the Callaway family, the Wards, the Spencers, and the Stephens, all of whom have been mentioned in land and court records in connection with our Mullins line.
D) Mullins, Edward was transported 22 April, 1670 to New Kent County and probably settled somewhere on the 4,150 acres granted to George Chapman for the transporting of Edward and 32 others. It may be significant that this land was situated on Pamunkey Neck, where in 1699, Matthew Mullins is granted land for transporting other persons.
E) Mullins, Zachariah was possibly still a minor in 1677 when he was transferred as part of the "property" of Rice Jones' estate in Old Rappahannock County -- the part that became Middlesex County (Sweeney, Wills of Rappahannock County, p. 67). Zachariah was probably an indentured servant, still working off the cost of his transport to the new world.
By 1684, he was old enough to marry and wedded Mary Mabraine in the old Christ Church in Middlesex County. Around 1700? Zachariah acquires some (more?) land in Middlesex County from Samuel Lee.
In 1716, a John Mullins wills this same land to William Gardner, the son of Mary Mullins Gardner, daughter of William Mullins, deceased 1705-1709 (i. Sweeney, Wills, op cit.; ii. King and Queen County Records Concerning 18th Century Persons) John Mullins and Mary Mullins Gardner were probably children of Zachariah Mullins and Mary Mabraine Mullins. "Gardner" becomes a given name in our family line. Our Kentucky patriarch, Henry Mullins, names one of his sons "Gardner" in 1783, in Wilkes County, North Carolina before they all moved on to land in Kentucky. William Mullins was probably the brother (or father?) of Zachariah Mullins (see below at F).
F) Mullins, William appears to be a contemporary of Zachariah Mullins, both of whom lived in Middlesex County. He cannot be Zachariah's son, because William is already a Footman in the Militia of Middlesex County in 1687, only 4 years after Zachariah and Mary Mabraine Mullins are married.
In 1690, William Mullins buys land from John Mingos in Middlesex County. And in 1704, he is counted on the Rent Roll of Middlesex County. But by 1709, William has died and his daughter, Mary Gardner is named in the will of Thomas Lee, deceased 1709, and again is mentioned in the will of John Mullins in 1716.
Just to cover all the bases with the Colonial Virginia Mullins families, I will mention two other transported persons who settled in the island counties of the colony: Accomacke and Northampton. These men were James Mullins who came in 1663 as a headright of Fenlaw Mackwilliam in Accomacke and Symon Mullins who came in 1671/72 as a headright of Edward Revell to Northampton. I have never run across known descendants of either of these two men. They do not count in our family history.
A second slate of Mullins and Allies in this same area of Virginia:
Matthew Mullins (possibly an immigrant himself, arriving with the Huguenots who sailed into Virginia at this time, but it is more probable that he is a son of John the immigrant of 1666, Edward of 1670, Zachariah of pre-1677 or of William of Middlesex), in 1699 is assigned 150 acres of land in Pamunkey Neck in New Kent County in Virginia for the transport of a few persons. The lessee of the land at the time was Thomas Ward; the land was actually "Indian land," but had reverted to the crown to be leased out to the colonists, because it was lying unproductive.
In 1701, Matthew Mullins pays taxes on land in King and Queen County (carved from New Kent County -- see John Mullins of 1666 above) along with people who bear names that are allied with the Mullins through marriage or in neighborhoods or parishes: James and Stephen Terry, James, George and Sarah Dabney. In 1708 Matthew Mullins is assigned a total of 268 acres in this county.
In 1702, Matthew Mullins and wife Elizabeth deed land to John Slaughter in King William County (once a part of King and Queen County).
Matthew Mullins is singled out for a lot of attention here, because he is the most likely one of those mentioned herein to be the progenitor of one of the two Huguenot lines of Mullins families who first lived in Virginia.
I am supported in this opinion by at least one other Mullins genealogist: Cornelius Carroll whose web site is listed on our sources page. I was very glad to discover Mr. Carroll; I had held this opinion on Matthew Mullins of Pamunkey Neck for the last 25 years. But I readily admit that I have no family documents that would prove a link from him to our next generation.
At this point, I must mention a Huguenot Mullins family who is documented to have arrived in 1699/1700 on the Mary and Ann out of Gravesend, England: Abraham de (des, du) Moulin(s) who settled in Henrico (Goochland) County under the leadership of Claude Philippe de Richebourg. But they did not stay in Virginia, so they do not figure in our family line at all. They left with their Huguenot minister, de Richebourg, in 1708, on to Perquimons County, North Carolina, where they stayed only a short time before finally settling in South Carolina, many of them using the spelling "Mullen" for the family name.
Many researchers have mistakenly connected Abraham with Matthew Mullins of Albemarle County, but this is definitely in error. Matthew Mullins of Albemarle was almost surely a son of Matthew Mullins of Pamunkey Neck, because of the allied families of each man; in any case he is not a son of Abraham of the de Richebourg party. Perhaps some researchers have been led to believe that Abraham was the first Mullins line in Virginia, or that he is the only one who could have been of French Protestant extraction. However, the French Protestants began to arrive in Virginia as early as the 1650s, because of religious fighting particularly in the Cevennes-to-Lyonnais region of France, where I believe our lines probably originated. You will read more about that in the European chapter of this family history.
One naming tradition in the Virginia Mullins line makes searching ever so much easier for genealogists. In France, the Huguenot Mullins had named their children after Christian saints and often used Old Testament names. While in England, the names of English kings had been used: Richard, Henry, John, William -- all Plantagenet (Norman French) kings of England. But once the family was settled in Virginia, they became very conscious of their pioneering of the New World. Sons bore as their given name the surname of allied families. For example, Henry Mullins married Mary Terry, the daughter of Champness Terry. First of all, Champness is the surname of a descendant of Nathaniel Champness, an ally of the Terry family. Then the surname of Champness Terry is given to Henry Mullins' son, Terry (sometimes Terrey). Henry does not stop with this one surname as a given name for his sons; there are also Gardner and Spencer, also allied families in the same area of Virginia.
Our family continues to use the traditional family names with some of my children's contemporaries becoming namesakes of people who lived more than 150 years ago.
Let me also put the researcher on notice that I follow my own simple method of numbering family data sheets. As each new direct ancestor in our line is set up with his own "heading," the numbering starts afresh. It makes ancestors much simpler to trace on the computer screen.
Matthew Mullins of Pamunkey Neck in Virginia
Matthew Mullins1, born ca. 1680; died ?
Matthew Mullins of Pamunkey Neck in New Kent County (later his settlement became part of King and Queen County, then King William County and finally his holdings were in Hanover County, which split out of these earlier counties). A number of immigrants to Virginia with the surname Mullins -- sometimes spelled variously, but in general the name is recorded the same as in modern usage -- settled in the area between the Rapahannock and James Rivers. The family from which we descended settled in the Yourk River's upper reaches where the Pamuney River flows into the York. Matthew is located here in 1699, according to Virginia Land Patents, Cavaliers and Pioneers, 1695-1732; Patent Book 9, p.45. Matthew was born ca. 1680, is listed in English Duplicaes of Lost Virginia Records by Louis des Cognets, Jr. [Cornelius Carroll website:] Much of the "second generation" material on Richard Mullins, below, is from Cornelius Carroll. Matthew Mullins possibly had the following children:
1. Richard Mullins2, (Matthew1) born before 1715 in Virginia; married Mary Stephens? This family history follows this line-- see chapter below.
2. Matthew Mullins, born before 1715 in Virginia; married Mary Maupin, grand-daughter of Cornelius Dabney, who transported John Mullins to Virginia in 1666 and settled him on Tottopotomoi Creek in Old Rappahannock County, not far from Pamunkey Neck.
3. John Mullins, born before 1715 in Virginia; married Elizabeth Connelly [see for much more information on this John Mullins line.]
2. Matthew Mullins, born before 1715 in Virginia; married Mary Maupin, grand-daughter of Cornelius Dabney, who transported John Mullins to Virginia in 1666 and settled him on Tottopotomoi Creek in Old Rappahannock County, not far from Pamunkey Neck.
3. John Mullins, born before 1715 in Virginia; married Elizabeth Connelly [see for much more information on this John Mullins line.]
[Note: Cornelius Carroll attributes one other son to Matthew Mullins: Patrick Mullins, who I believe to be the son of Thomas Mullen, above.]
Richard Mullins of Goochland County, Virginia
Richard Mullins2 (Matthew1)
[I am indebted to Cornelius Carroll at for much of the immediately following information on Richard Mullins.]
Richard Mullins2, born before 1715 in Virginia; married Mary (Stephens?) Richard Mullins of Goochland County, Virginia, purchased 95 acres on Byrd Creek in Goochland County on the north side of James River from William Matlock , for 30 pounds, on 10 June 1738. The deed was recorded 18 July 1738. Richard and his wife Mary sold Bryan Connerly land on 24 February 1742 and 20 July 1742. Richard had previously appeared in Hanover County, Virginia, on deeds between Daniel Williams and William Gooch, dated 2 Sept. 1735 and 3 Sept. 1735. The deeds mention "Richard Mullin's line." Richard and Mary Mullins deeded land in Albemarle County, Virginia to Cornelius Maupin. In Albemarle County, Virginia Court Order Books, the following records appear on Richard Mullins: 23 January 1745/46. In case of John Robertson against Richard Mullins, defendant appears by attorney William Battersby and also came a Jury to wit: Lazarus Damron, John Anthony, Noble Ladd, John Cannon (foreman), William Harris, John Ladd, John Hunter, Thomas Fitzpatrick, Thomas Ogelsby, William Creasy, Matthew Tucker and Obadiah Woodson. Determined that plaintiff sustained damages of 4 pounds, 10 shilling and is to recover plus 15 shillings and 496 pounds of tobacco. 11 December 1747. In debt case of William Hopkins against Richard Mullins, defendants fail to appear, judgment entered for the plaintiff for 12 pounds, 6 pence, and costs. In Halifax County, Virginia Plea Book I, 1752-1755, the following records appear on Richard Mullins: 20 Dec. 1752. On petition of Joseph Mays by Clement Read his attorney vs. Richard Mullins, defendant not found, plaintiff granted a new process. Feb. 1753. The petition of Joseph Mays vs. Richard Mullins, defendant, given unto this court, now called and not appearing, plaintiff by Clement Read his attorney granted a new process. June 1753. On petition of Jospeh Mays vs. Richard Mullins, the sheriff returned, said defendant is in Lunenburg County, plaintiff by his attorney granted a new process. 17 July 1753. Joseph Mays vs. Richard Mullins dismist. Richard Mullins and Henry Mullins appear in the 1762 and 1763 Bedford County, Virginia list of Insolvents. Richard and Mary are believed to have had the following children:
1. Matthew Mullins3 (Richard2, Matthew1) See Cornelius Carroll's web site at for much more on this branch of the family. I will quote from his site this paragraph:
• Matthew Mullins, b. ca 1715 Virginia - d. 1786 Albemarle County, Virginia md Mary Maupin b. ca 1723 Hanover County, Virginia - d. ca 1800 Virginia, daughter of Daniel and Margaret (Via) Maupin. Her father Daniel Maupin was born ca 1695 in Amsterdam, Holland (the Netherlands) to Gabriel Maupin (b. ca 1666, Jargeau (actually it is recorded as Garjau at the web site), France and Marie (Hersent) Maupin (b. ca 1666 at/near Rouen, France). Gabriel Maupin and family came to the Huguenot settlement at Manakintown, in Virginia, 1699-1700 after passing through Spittalsfield (now Bethnell Green) "suburb" of London in the late 1690s. Gabriel died in Williamsburg, Virginia, and his wife remarried Thomas Crease. Daniel Maupin patented land on Moormans River in 1748. he died in 1788. he and wife Margaret had 7 sons and 3 daughters, one of whom was Mary who md. Matthew Mullins. Matthew Mullins and Mary Maupin married ca 1740 (web site miswrote 1840). Henning's Statutes, Vol. VII, page 203 shows Matthew Mullins and his two sons, John and william, served in the Virginia Militia, in Albemarle County, ranging the frontier against Indians during the French and Indian War. Matthew later served three years as a sergeant in the American Army during the Revolutionary War in Captain William Croghan's Company of the consolidated 4th, 8th, and 12th regiments of the Virginia troops commanded by Colonel James Woods. The Patridge store accounts of Hanover County show that Matthew "Mathias" Mullins paid his account on 22 March 1736. In 1746, Matthew Mullins was apparently omitted from a list of tithables and the court ordered his tithes be entered. In 1748, Matthew Mullins, William lewis, Gabriel Thompson, and Abraham Shatteen to value improvements to Charles Mill's land. In 1752, Matthew entered 190 acres on the east end of Buck's Elbow on the south side of Moorman River in the survey book of Albemarle County, Virginia. In 1755, he entered 92 acres on the branches of Mooremans river adjacent to Daniel Maupin, John Mullins, and Robert Miller. In 1763, Matthew sold William Maupin 10 acres on the south side of Mooremans River and in 1769 he sold Clifton Rodes land on Buck's Elbow. Matthew was a member of the Orthodox Reformed Presbyterian Church and set his hand to an obligation of yearly payments to the church for the support of Reverend Samuel Black. In the 1790 Reconstructed Census of Albemarle County, Virginia, anthony, Daniel and henry Mullings; Matthew Mullins and John Mullins are listed. Henry Mullings as "not tithable," but charged with the taxes of Daniel Mullings.
For the rest of the information on this branch of the descendants of Matthew of Pamunkey Neck, I refer you to
2. Henry Mullins 3 (Richard2, Matthew1), born ca. 1740 in Virginia; married Oct.6, 1760, Halifax County, Mary "Polly" Terry, daughter of Champness Terry, very possibly a descendant of one Jonas Terrey, who was transported as a headright of John Woodson, Jr. in Henrico County, Varina Parish, North side of James River, 23 October, 1690. The Terrys were as prolific as the Mullins in Colonial Virginia and were located in the same areas. This family history follows this line -- see below.
3. Timothy Mullins?
4. Richard Mullins?
3. Timothy Mullins?
4. Richard Mullins?
[Note: I have no information at all on Numbers 3. and 4. in the list immediately above.]
Henry Mullins3 (Richard2, Matthew1)
Henry Mullins was born ca. 1740 in Virginia; married Oct.6, 1760, Halifax County, Mary "Polly" Terry, daughter of Champness Terry, very possibly a descendant of one Jonas Terrey, who was transported as a headright of John Woodson, Jr. in Henrico County, Varina Parish, North side of James River, 23 October, 1690. The Terrys were as prolific as the Mullins in Colonial Virginia and were located in the same areas in Colonial times.
• Let us spend some time on the Terry family here: Jonas Terrey was located in Henrico County in 1690; but by 1666, Richard Terry was in Nansemond County, so it is possible that Jonas was his descendant and joined other Terry migration inland from the fever swamps south of the James River. In any case, a male descendant of Jonas Terry must have married into the Nathaniel Champness (French: Chabanis) family who had immigrated to New Jersey from England on October 5, 1675. Nathaniel had at least one son, Nathaniel, Jr., who sailed to America with him and his wife, Priscilla Fenwick Champness from Thornbury, Gloucester, England [Passenger List of the Griffin]. By 1700 there was a Henri Chabanis (Henry Champness) living in the area of Manakintown, Virginia in the Huguenot settlement there.The records are silent on this family from 1700 to 1734, when Champness Terry's line is mentioned in Louisa County Land Records, Book A, Page 84. There is even more in the same records in the 1740s, when it becomes clear that these Champness and Terry families are the allied families of our Henry and Terry Mullins, Henry's son.
But back to the possible line of descent from Jonas Terry to Champness Terry: according to Edna Harris Bushnell, Terry Records of Virginia, Stephen Terry was born about 1701 in Virginia. In 1752, he was living in Hanover County, Virginia along with probable sons, one of whom was Champness Terry, born before 1727 and who married Christian ______? before 1746, when Mary "Polly" Terry was born.
The Terry and Champness families and another allied Mullins family, the Ballinger family, are found in Halifax County, Virginia in 1752 when Halifax was created out of Lunenburg County and included what is today Pittsylvania County. We find that the Justices of the Peace were named as William Byrd, William Wynne, Peter Fontaine, Jr., William Irby, James Terry, Nathaniel Terry, Robert Hampton, Andrew Wade and Sherwood Walton. In the next year following were added from the area that is today Pittsylvania County, Thomas Dillard, Thomas Calloway, Samuel Harris, Benjamin Clement, Peter Wilson and Robert Pusey. Of these Justices, Fontaine, Terry, Wade, Calloway, and Harris were allied at some time with our Mullins line through kinship or commerce. Wade was allied through the connection with the Ballinger family. Lucy Ballinger married Henry Mullins's son, Terry in Wilkes County, North Carolina, ca. 1787. Back in Halifax/Pittsylvania, Charity Wade was the wife of Joseph Ballinger.
To speak briefly of the Ballinger(Ballenger, French Boulanger) family: Henry Ballinger, b. ca. 1662, Benningham, Gloucester, England, d. 1733 Evesham, N. J. A possible son, Joseph Ballenger, b. ca. 1691, Burlington, N. J., d. 1744, Goochland County, Virginia; married ca. 1720 New Jersey, Charity Wade, b. 1694 New Jersey, died after 1744 in Goochland County, Virginia. [Wills from Goochland Deed Book 5 1745-1749 by Benjamin B. Weisinger III, p. 66 Inventory of Joseph Ballenger by Court Order, March 1744. Commissioners: Anthony Haden, Joseph Pool, James George.]
But now we must come back to Henry Mullins, our first ancestor on whom we have a lot of documentation in our family files. We know that Henry probably grew up in the area between the Pamunkey River and the James River in an area of Virginia that was New Kent, then became Hanover County, then Halifax (1767) and then by 1773 it was Pittsylvania. It was in Pittsylvania in 1777 that Henry made his oath of allegiance to the independent nation, the United States of America. Henry's oath was issued by one of Pittsylvania County's justices, Thomas Dillard. The Terry males, Ballinger family men, John Mullins, William Mullins, Michael Mullings, Benjamin Mullings, Charles Calloway, and a group of Owens family males all took the same pledge at the same time -- all families that are allied with the Mullins family for decades if not centuries following this period.
By the following year, 1778, Henry and his growing family were residents of Wilkes County, North Carolina. They had joined a large group of people migrating from their area of Virginia to the "boonies." On Wilkes County 1787 Tax List, we find allied families of Mullins such as Harris, Calloway, Owen, Tirey (Terry), Wade, Judd, Triplett, Abner, Isbell.
From Wilkes County onward, we have fairly good documentation on our family lists, because we have the first census of the United States. We also have the Wilkes County Land Records. Henry Mullins and Barnet Owen, his neighbor, entered land in 1778-79, along New river in the wilderness of Lower Appalachia (Wilkes County Land Entries, Nos. 910, 1297, 614, 1296, 1677, 1678).
No. 614: Barnet Owen entered 200 acres Reddies River 26 Dec., 1778
No. 685--87: 1 Jan 1779 Littleberry Toney, Thomas Calloway and William Owen entered claims to land in the New river settlement. Littleberry Toney was married to Thomas Calloway's daughter.
No. 910: Henry Mullins entered 100 acres Waters of Reddies River, had of Tumbling Shoal, both sides of Chestnut Mountain, 3 March 1779.
No. 1296: 13 November 1779 Barnet Owen entered 100 acres on Obid's Creek
No. 1297: Henry Mullins entered 100 acres at Rowland's big Branch November 13, 1779
No. 1678: 8 March 1780 Barnet Owen entered 100 acres Waters Reddies River near had tunbling Shoal Branch.
No. 1721, 22: David Owen entered two 50-acre parcels in Wilkes County, North Carolina, near William Owen's property, 21 March, 1780, the same year he married Winifred Mullins (Wilkes County Marriages, loc.cit.)
No. 685--87: 1 Jan 1779 Littleberry Toney, Thomas Calloway and William Owen entered claims to land in the New river settlement. Littleberry Toney was married to Thomas Calloway's daughter.
No. 910: Henry Mullins entered 100 acres Waters of Reddies River, had of Tumbling Shoal, both sides of Chestnut Mountain, 3 March 1779.
No. 1296: 13 November 1779 Barnet Owen entered 100 acres on Obid's Creek
No. 1297: Henry Mullins entered 100 acres at Rowland's big Branch November 13, 1779
No. 1678: 8 March 1780 Barnet Owen entered 100 acres Waters Reddies River near had tunbling Shoal Branch.
No. 1721, 22: David Owen entered two 50-acre parcels in Wilkes County, North Carolina, near William Owen's property, 21 March, 1780, the same year he married Winifred Mullins (Wilkes County Marriages, loc.cit.)
In 1788, Henry Mullins sold the first parcel of land he had bought and many years later, after Henry had moved to Kentucky, Rowland Judd, Jr. witnessed to the fact that it had been sold at that time (Wilkes County Deed Book F-1, No. 154). In 1798, Terrey Mullins, Henry's son, bought 50 acres on New River. His witneses are John Calloway, Brazzel Estes and William Hall (Wilkes County Deed Book D, p. 357). These are all Goochland-Bedford County, Virginia surnames. In 1799, David Owen, husband of Winifred Mullins Owen sold 200 acres to Reuben Stringer and Terrey Mullins witnessed the deed.
Calloway, Owen, Hall, Mullins, Toney and Morgan are all associated families of the settlements in the western reaches of old Goochland County and later of other parts of Southwest Virginia. The descendants of Thomas Callaway, Henry Mullins, Matthew Mullins, Littleberry Toney, Champness Terry and Barnet Owen continued to form an almost constant community throughout the period 1760-1860, ranging geographically from Goochland County, Virginia to Rock Castle County, Kentucky.
In 1800, Ashe County, North Carolina was separaed from Wilkes County and the land belonging to Terrey Mullins, son of Henry, is in the new county, so his name does not show on the 1800 Wilkes County census (nor on the Ashe County census for some reason; perhaps the family departed for Kentucky before the census-taker in Ashe County got to his residence). We begin to discover the size of Henry's family on the 1800 census Wilkes County, North Carolina Census. By this time, henry has been married 40 years, so all his children are grown and some have gone to other places, or have been left behind as the family moved westward. Henry Mullins is listed as "more than 45 years," a catch-all category on the census sheet; he has a wife near the same age; he has one son 26-45 years old, and two sons 16-26; he has one daughter age 10-16 and one under 10. Champness Mullins, another of Henry's sons, has his own family. Champness "Champ" is about 33 years old and has a wife near the same age, a son and two daughters under 10 years of age.
Immediately after 1800, possibly that same year, Henry Mullins moved with his tribe of relations to Madison County, Kentucky, from which rock Castle County was later created. Many other Mullins families from the Goochland-Albemarle region of Virginia had moved there in the 1790s, descendants of Matthew of Albemarle: Gabriel Mullins, William Mullins, Matthew Mullins and Jane Mullins Clark (Anderson Chenault Quisenberry, Mullins, and Allied Families, Washington, D. C., 1897, pp. 123-125).
Henry and his children settled in the area along Rock Castle River, shown on the index at right: Family Records and Documents. In 1810, the federal census of Rock Castle County shows Gardner, one of Henry's sons, age 26-45 (actually about 27), Champ, 26-45 (about 43), and Terry, born 1767. Terry lives next door to Henry, whose wife is not listed; instead, a 10-16 year old girl is the only other member of his household. Spencer, another son of Henry, entered a claim to 50 acres on the Roundstone Fork of Rock Castle River in 1822 (Kentucky Land Office Warrant No. 5859). Morgan Mullins, who also appears on the 1820 census of Rock Castle County, along with Champ, Gardner and Terry, is 16-26 years old. He is the son of Champ Mullins, one of Henry's sons. But we are getting ahead of ourselves. Henry Mullins died very shortly after 1810.
Based on census data, land records and court records, we can say that Henry Mullins and Mary "Polly" Terry Mullins had the following children:
1. Winifred Mullins4, was born 30 March 1766, Halifax Co., VA, died 26 February 1842, Rockcastle Co., KY. She married David Owen on 20 December 1780, Wilkes Co., NC. David was born 21 September 1759, Halifax Co., died 1822 in Rockcastle Co.. David was S/O William Owen and Elizabeth Meacham. David and Winefred had 13 children - 12 boys and one girl. David's RW pension files provided his and Winifred's birth and death dates, also the birth dates of all of their children. Proof of David's parentage comes from William Owen's will, dated 28 September 1785, probated 28 January 1788, Wilkes Co., NC wherein he left the bulk of his estate to David after providing one shilling to his siblings. William also made provision for his "beloved grandson, Elisha, 1st born child of David and Winefred," to receive £50 upon coming of age. Elisha was born 9 January 1781. ( the foregoing information on Winifred is generously contributed by Charlie Owens, Farragut, TN)
2. Champness Mullins4, born 1767-68 Virginia; married ca.1790, Wilkes County, North Carolina. He had six children:
1. Morgan Mullins5, (Champness4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) aka "Mordecai," "Morgy," born 1800-1805; married had nine children:
1. Henry Mullins6
2. John Mullins6
3. Marshall Mullins6
4. Elisha Mullins6
5. Cal Mullins6
6. Betty Mullins6
7. Patsy Mullins6
8. Susie Mullins6
9. Bert Mullins6
2. John Mullins6
3. Marshall Mullins6
4. Elisha Mullins6
5. Cal Mullins6
6. Betty Mullins6
7. Patsy Mullins6
8. Susie Mullins6
9. Bert Mullins6
2. Calloway Mullins5, (Champness4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born 1809, Kentucky; married Mary ”Polly" Mullins, daughter of Terry Mullins4, Champ's brother, making her a second cousin to her husband. Calloway Mullins and Mary "Polly" Mullins had 10 children:
1. John Mullins6, born 1839, Kentucky; married Susie Mullins; had one daughter: Ella Mullins7
2. James Henry Mullins6, born 1840, Kentucky; married Sarah Singleton; had 11 children: (1) Molly; (2) John; (3) Daniel; (4) Emily; (5) Ballard G.; (6 Susie; (7) Lage; (8) Mitchell; (9) Telitha; (10) Ulysses; (11) Lee
3. Gardner Mullins6, born 1842 Kentucky; married Mary J. Chenault before 1877; had 11 children: (1) Jim E.; (2) Frank; (3) Lucy; (4) Summers; (5) Gardner L.; (6) George; (7) Rovey; (8) Money; (9) Moss; (10) H. T.; (11) Sarah Frances
4. William "Champ" Mullins6, born 1844, Kentucky; had two sons: (1)John and (2) William
5. Mary Frances Mullins6, born 1846, Kentucky; married B. H. Cummins; had six childen: (1) Molly; (2) John; (3) J.H.; (4) Margaret; (5) D.?; (6) Luly
6. Daniel Mullins6, born 1848, Kentucky; married Patsy Barnett; no children.
7. Emily Mullins6, born 1849, Kentucky; married W. G. Mullins, had nine children: (1) Kansas; (2) Clara; (3) Sarah Margaret; (4) Calloway; (5) Ballenger; (6) McClelland; (7) Artemich; (8) Leroy; (9) Cecil
8. Charles A. Mullins6, born after 1850; married (1) Mary Jane Mullins, died January 23, 1882; had five children: (1) J. C.; (2) Ballard C.; (3) Sarah F.; (4) Larkin; (5) Mary Margaret
Charles6 married again: Lucy J. Mullins, had 2 children: (6) Beeler; (7) Elmer
9. Margaret Mullins6, born after 1850; married Wilson Baker; had 5 children: (1) Lottie; (2) Callie; (3) Henry; (4) Pearl; (5) Leonard
10. Ballard Mullins6, born after 1850, unmarried
3. William Mullins5, born 1810; married Susan Brown; had 5 children: (1) Jephthy; (2) Emily; (3) Mary; (4) William; (5) Mary Jones France
4. Granser Mullins5
5. Sally Mullins
6. Becky Jane Mullins, married John Adams
5. Sally Mullins
6. Becky Jane Mullins, married John Adams
3. Terry Mullins4 (Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1), born 1767-68, Virginia; married Lucy Ballinger; had possibly 13 children. Our Mullins branch history follows this line. See the next chapter below.
4. Spencer Mullins4, born 18 January, 1775 in Pittsylvania County, Virginia; died 1 May, 1853, Rock Castle County, Kentucky; married ca. 1820 Mary Abney, born 1795, Ashe County, North Carolina, daughter of Janus Abney; established a farm on roundstone Fork of Rock Castle river in 1822. It remained in the family at least until 1921. At some point before or later, Spencer married Mary King, born ca. 1785 , dtr. of Edward King and Felicia Lewis. Spencer had 8 children, most likely by his first wife:
1. Henry Mullins5, born 1822, Kentucky; married Sarah Black before 1857, Kentucky.
2. Champ Mullins5, born February 26, 1826, Kentucky; died January 6, 1898, Kentucky; married Mary Ann Martin, born 1847, daughter of Milton Martin, born in Kentucky and _____? Carpenter Martin. Champ and Mary Ann had 8 children:
1. Lucy J.6 married Charles A. Mullins
2. Emily6 married J. E. Mullins
3. Martha6 married Frank Mullins
4. Alice6 married W. M. Burnett
5. Spencer6
6. Cam6, born March 12, 1877 on "Old Homestead," 10 miles east of Mt. Vernon, Kentucky; married September 3, 1896 to Biddie E. Philbeck, daughter of Tansy and Margaret Philbeck of Rock Castle County, Kentucky. Cam Mullins was a judge in Rock Castle County from January, 1914 to some time after 1921. Cam and Biddie had children:
2. Emily6 married J. E. Mullins
3. Martha6 married Frank Mullins
4. Alice6 married W. M. Burnett
5. Spencer6
6. Cam6, born March 12, 1877 on "Old Homestead," 10 miles east of Mt. Vernon, Kentucky; married September 3, 1896 to Biddie E. Philbeck, daughter of Tansy and Margaret Philbeck of Rock Castle County, Kentucky. Cam Mullins was a judge in Rock Castle County from January, 1914 to some time after 1921. Cam and Biddie had children:
1. Letha7, married W. H. Skidmore, Mt. Vernon, Kentucky
2. Everett7, unmarried in 1921
3. Bentley7, unmarried in 1921
4. Mary Annie7, died young
5. Robert Powers7, born ca. 1910
6. Augusta Walker7, born ca. 1915
7. Burgess Hughes7, born ca. 1918
2. Everett7, unmarried in 1921
3. Bentley7, unmarried in 1921
4. Mary Annie7, died young
5. Robert Powers7, born ca. 1910
6. Augusta Walker7, born ca. 1915
7. Burgess Hughes7, born ca. 1918
[Note: Information on Cam Mullins, siblings and offspring taken from Charles Kerr, ed., History of Kentucky, Chicago, 1922, pp. 57-58.]
7. Walter6
8. Fannie6, married Benjamin Metcalf
8. Fannie6, married Benjamin Metcalf
3. Mary "Polly" Mullins5, born 1828, Kentucky; married Will Cummins
4. Martha Mullins5, born 1831, Kentucky, unmarried
5. Leander Miller Mullins5, born 1843, Kentucky
6. Wesley Mullins5, married, had 7 children: (1) John; (2) Mose; (3) Henry; (4) Jack; (5) Welk; (6-7) two daughters;
7. Alfred Mullins5, married, had 5 children. Alfred is the son of Spencer and his second wife Mary King.
8. Jackson Mullins5, married, had 2 children: (1) Pete; (2) Champ
5. Gardner Mullins4, born ca. 1783, Wilkes County, North Carolina, married (1) ____? Dennis and (2) 1809, Madison County, Ky., Hannah Bennett.
6. Sally Mullins
7. Becky Mullins
6. Sally Mullins
7. Becky Mullins
There are four major sources for the family information recorded here:
1. The Mullins Family File on deposit at the Kentucky Historical Society, Frankfort, Kentucky.
2. Mullins family records collected by B. C. Mullins, son of C. A. Mullins "raised at Salt Peter Cave on Crooked Creek, Rock Castle County, Kentucky."
3. Census Records of Rock Castle County, 1810-1850
4. Kentucky land records; copies on deposit with the Kentucky Historical Society, Frankfort, Ky.
1. The Mullins Family File on deposit at the Kentucky Historical Society, Frankfort, Kentucky.
2. Mullins family records collected by B. C. Mullins, son of C. A. Mullins "raised at Salt Peter Cave on Crooked Creek, Rock Castle County, Kentucky."
3. Census Records of Rock Castle County, 1810-1850
4. Kentucky land records; copies on deposit with the Kentucky Historical Society, Frankfort, Ky.
6. James Hilary Mullins8, (William7, Henry6, Ballenger5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born May 5, 1916, Rock Castle County, Kentucky; married (1) unknown, one son:
7. Edgar Mullins7, (Henry6, Ballenger5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born December 24, 1887; rck Castle County, Kentucky; died July 20, 1972, Louisville, Kentucky; buried Elmwood Cemetery; married Fannie McFerron; had 1 son:
9. Grant Mullins7, (Henry6, Ballenger5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born December 31, 1893; died May 12, 1940, Columbus, Ohio; buried Elmwood Cemetery; married Hilda _____?, no children.
4. Terry Dowell Mullins6, (Ballenger5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born ca. 1854, Kentucky; married 1888 Lucy Mullins; had children:
3. Everett F. Mullins7 (Terry D.6, Ballenger5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) had a son:
8. Sally Mullins5
9. Becky Mullins5
10. Emily Mullins5
11. Hester Mullins5
12. daughter, name unknown
13. daughter, name unknown
4. Walker Mullins6, (Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born 1839; married (1) Mary E. Chasteen, June 1, 1860; one son:
[Added information on Annie Asher Eastep (Estep, Esteph) Mullins 1880-1911, Daughter of John & Elizabeth 'Betsy' H. Holland Asher: first married William Eastep 1894 in Franklin, Ark.; had 3 children: McKinley, Nancy Margaret and Elizabeth.]
5. Jessie Leeila Mullins9, born March 19, 1919, Oklahoma; married Cecil Clark, ca. 1938-39, had children:
2. Rosa Lee Mullins10, born February 7, 1937, Vian, Oklahoma; married Billy Dean Thomas,1958. Children:
Terry Mullins of Virginia, North Carolina and Kentucky (Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1)
Terry Mullins4 was born in 1767-68 in Halifax County, Virginia. His parents, Henry Mullins3 and Mary "Polly" Terry, daughter of Champness Terry and Christian _____? Terry, spent time in Pittsylvania County, Virginia and perhaps even a while in Lunenberg County, before moving on to the New River Community, and then over the state line into North Carolina's New River Community, a part which became Wilkes County, North Carolina. Terry was in his teens when they became residents of North Carolina.
Terry himself bought land on New River in 1798 (Wilkes County Deed Book D, p. 357), so he probably married Lucy Ballenger, another Huguenot descendant, about that same time. In the 1810 census of Kentucky, not one of his children is over 10 years old. Lucy Ballenger Mullins registered a land warrant for 100 acres in her own name in 1834. The land is located "on the waters of Crooked Creek and the White Oak Branch," in Rock Castle County, Kentucky, next to 50 acres owned by Champ Mullins. Terry Mullins probably died about 1832-33 in Rock Castle County, Kentucky. Terry and Lucy Ballenger Mullins had children:
1. John Mullins5, (Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born 1800, North Carolina; married Pheba Goodlough; had children:
• 1. Sidney Mullins6, born 1828, Kentucky
2. Anna Mullins6, born 1831, Kentucky
3. Adeline Mullins6, born 1835, Kentucky
4. John Goodlough Mullins6, born 1838, Kentucky; married (1) Sally A. Elkins before 1856; had one daughter:
2. Anna Mullins6, born 1831, Kentucky
3. Adeline Mullins6, born 1835, Kentucky
4. John Goodlough Mullins6, born 1838, Kentucky; married (1) Sally A. Elkins before 1856; had one daughter:
◦ 1. Maranda Mullins7, born November 8, 1856
• --married (2) ca. 1859 Louisa Abney; had 4 children, only 2 of whom are known:
◦ 2.Champ Mullins7
3. Bell Mullins7
3. Bell Mullins7
• --married (3) Susan A. Mullins on April 9, 1862
--married (4) unknown;
--married (5) before 1889 Nancy E. Pettit; had one daughter:
--married (4) unknown;
--married (5) before 1889 Nancy E. Pettit; had one daughter:
◦ 4. Lula Ann Mullins7, born June 21, 1889; married Andrew Jackson Smith, Rock Castle County, Kentucky.
• 5. Lucinda Mullins6, (John5,Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born 1840, Kentucky; married Ashley Owens; had children:
◦ 1. Emily Owens7
2. Alfred Owens7
3. Mart Owens7
4. Sally Owens7
5. Becky Owens7
6. Steve Owens7
7. Rene Owens
8. Jack Owens
2. Alfred Owens7
3. Mart Owens7
4. Sally Owens7
5. Becky Owens7
6. Steve Owens7
7. Rene Owens
8. Jack Owens
• 6. Henry Mullins6 (John5,Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1), born 1843, Kentucky; married Het Smith; had children:
◦ 1. Fannie Mullins7
2. Amanda Mullins7
3. John Mullins7
4. Irwin Mullins7
5. Jack Mullins7
2. Amanda Mullins7
3. John Mullins7
4. Irwin Mullins7
5. Jack Mullins7
• 7. Zachariah Mullins6, born 1848, Kentucky
8. Mary Mullins6, born after 1850
8. Mary Mullins6, born after 1850
2. Lorenzo Dow Mullins5, (Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born 1805, Kentucky; married ca. 1830 America Walker. This family history follows this line, continued in the chapter below.
3. Buck Mullins5 (Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1), married; had children
• 1. Nancy Mullins
2. Jane Mullins
3. Henry Mullins
4. Link Mullins
5. Dowe Mullins
6. Jaley Mullins
7. Mary Mullins
8. Lucy Mullins
2. Jane Mullins
3. Henry Mullins
4. Link Mullins
5. Dowe Mullins
6. Jaley Mullins
7. Mary Mullins
8. Lucy Mullins
4. Ballenger Mullins5, (Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born October 10, 1816; died August 19, 1891; buried in Old Freedom Cemetery, Rock Castle County, Kentucky; married Mary J. Metcalf; born June 6, 1822; died October 22, 1890; buried in Old Freedom Cemetery, Rock Castle County, Kentucky; had children:
• 1. Henry James Mullins6, (Ballenger5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born May 7, 1844; died November 8, 1918, buried Elmwood Cemetery, Rock Castle County, Kentucky; married (1) Allie Johnson; divorced 1866; had one son:
◦ 1. Noah Mullins7
• --married December 9, 1867 (2) Mary Jane Griffin, born June 6, 1851, daughter of William and Mary Angeline Cates Griffin; died January 4, 1918; buried Elmwood Cemetery, Rock Castle County, Kentucky. Henry James and Mary Jane Griffin Mullins had children:
◦ 2. Nancy K. Mullins7, born May 11, 1869, Kentucky; died December 18, 1914, buried Elmwood Cemetery; married Jim Lawrence, had one daughter:
▪ 1. Sadie Lawrence8
◦ 3. Martha Ann Mullins7, born march 2, 1872, Grundy, Missouri; died March 20, 1951; buried Elmwood Cemetery; married Ulysses Grant Baker; had one son:
▪ 1. Fred Baker
◦ 4. James Franklin Mullins7, (Henry6, Ballenger5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born March 12, 1875; died 1954; buried Elmwood Cemetery; married six times; had at least two children:
▪ 1. Sallie Mullins
2. Mattie Mullins
2. Mattie Mullins
◦ 5. William Milo Mullins7, (Henry6, Ballenger5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born November 30, 1878, Kentucky; died September 7, 1954; buried Elmwood Cemetery; married Maude Matilda Speer, born June 1, 1880 in Speer Valley, Scott County, Virginia, daughter of Andrew Jackson and Abigail Carter Speer; died April 7, 1956; buried Elmwood Cemetery, had children:
▪ 1. Richard Malcolm Mullins8, born January 25, 1898, Scott County, Virginia; died November 2, 1951, New Orleans, Louisiana; buried Livesay Cemetery, Rock Castle County, Kentucky; married July 30, 1917, Ella Mae McKenzie, Rock Castle County, Kentucky; had two daughters:
▪ 1. Christina Mullins9
2. Virginia Mullins9
2. Virginia Mullins9
▪ 2. Mary Virginia Mullins8, born October 5, 1901; married October 23, 1923 Lester Hill Farmer; had two children:
▪ 1. William Lester Farmer9
2. Jacqueline Farmer9
2. Jacqueline Farmer9
▪ 3. Sybil Lillian Mullins8, born 1904; died June 17, 1931; buried Lexington, Kentucky; married Monroe Miller; no children.
4. Lela Estelle Mullins8, born February 22, 1910, Kentucky; died December, 1970, Louisville, Kentucky; buried New Albany, Indiana; married Minas C. Harris, had twins:
4. Lela Estelle Mullins8, born February 22, 1910, Kentucky; died December, 1970, Louisville, Kentucky; buried New Albany, Indiana; married Minas C. Harris, had twins:
▪ 1. Minas Harris
2. Minette Harris
2. Minette Harris
▪ 5. Billie Gretchen Mullins8, born June 4, 1912, Rock Castle County, Kentucky; married Edward Olko, no children.
6. James Hilary Mullins8, (William7, Henry6, Ballenger5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born May 5, 1916, Rock Castle County, Kentucky; married (1) unknown, one son:
▪ 1. Darrell Mullins9
▪ --married (2) unknown, married (3) Ann Baker
2. Julia Vivian Mullins8, born May 15, 1918, Kentucky; married Paul E. Chandler, had 3 sons and 3 daughters, names unrecorded.
◦ 6. Marion Ballinger Mullins7, (Henry6, Ballenger5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born November 7, 1880, Kentucky; died of smallpox April 10, 1883; buried in Withers, Kentucky.
7. Edgar Mullins7, (Henry6, Ballenger5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born December 24, 1887; rck Castle County, Kentucky; died July 20, 1972, Louisville, Kentucky; buried Elmwood Cemetery; married Fannie McFerron; had 1 son:
▪ 1. Robert Edward Mullins
◦ 8. Christopher H. Mullins7, (Henry6, Ballenger5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born June 25, 1889; died 1948, Mt. Vernon, Kentucky; buried Elmwood Cemetery; married Ersel Hiatt; had 1 son, died aged 11.
9. Grant Mullins7, (Henry6, Ballenger5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born December 31, 1893; died May 12, 1940, Columbus, Ohio; buried Elmwood Cemetery; married Hilda _____?, no children.
• 2. Will G. Mullins6
3. Granville Mullins6
3. Granville Mullins6
4. Terry Dowell Mullins6, (Ballenger5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born ca. 1854, Kentucky; married 1888 Lucy Mullins; had children:
◦ 1. Eber H. Mullins7
2. Mendel D. Mullins7
2. Mendel D. Mullins7
3. Everett F. Mullins7 (Terry D.6, Ballenger5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) had a son:
▪ 1. Terry Dowell Mullins8
◦ 4. Virgil O. Mullins7
5. Early Tennyson Mullins7
6. Ruth Mullins7; married ___? McFerron
7. Grace Mullins; married ___? Riddle
5. Early Tennyson Mullins7
6. Ruth Mullins7; married ___? McFerron
7. Grace Mullins; married ___? Riddle
5. Henry Mullins5, (Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1)
married Sally Black; had children:
• 1. Mary Jane Mullins6
2. Tilda Frances Mullins6
3. Boone Mullins6
4. Alice Mullins (twin of Boone)6
5.Tucker Mullins6
6. Luellen Mullins6
7. J. W. Mullins6
8. Sherman Mullins6
9. Emily Mullins6
10. Beecher Mullins6
11. Gilvery Mullins6
2. Tilda Frances Mullins6
3. Boone Mullins6
4. Alice Mullins (twin of Boone)6
5.Tucker Mullins6
6. Luellen Mullins6
7. J. W. Mullins6
8. Sherman Mullins6
9. Emily Mullins6
10. Beecher Mullins6
11. Gilvery Mullins6
6. Ann Mullins5; married Mark Morris, had children:
• 6.A. Bob Mullins6
6.B. Jim Mullins6
6.C. Name unknown
6.B. Jim Mullins6
6.C. Name unknown
7. Polly Mullins5, (Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born 1816; married Calloway Mullins, born 1809 (her cousin, a son of Champ Mullins -- see above).
8. Sally Mullins5
9. Becky Mullins5
10. Emily Mullins5
11. Hester Mullins5
12. daughter, name unknown
13. daughter, name unknown
Lorenzo Dow Mullins of Kentucky (Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1)
Lorenzo Dow Mullins5 was born in 1805 in Kentucky. He received land office warrant number 22280 for fifty acres in Rock Castle County, Kentucky on April 18, 1835; the land was locaed on the waters of Crooked Creek, near land owned by Lucy Mullins, his widowed mother, who had the land in her own name as of 1834. Lorenzo Dow Mullins had been named after a firebrand (Methodist?) preacher of the late eighteenth century (Dictionary of American Biography.). Lorenzo married America Walker around 1830. America was possibly the daughter of John R. Walker who was listed next to Lorenzo Dow and America Mullins on the 1850 census of Rock Castle County, Kentucky. Lorenzo Dow and America Walker Mullins had children:
Terry Mullins6, (Lorenzo Dow5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born 1831; married Mary Abney before 1856 (another family account says that he married Judy Abner, but since Abney and Abner may be derived from D'Aubigne -- Dabney -- these could be construed as the same surname, and it is possible that Terry's wife had a compound given name such as Mary Judith? Abney?). They only had one son, who was killed by Indians.
2. Julia Mullins6, born 1833
3. William Dow Mullins6, (Lorenzo5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born 1837; married (1) Frances A. Jones, ca. 1858; married (2) Jailey Abner ca. 1860; married (3) Louisa Warren ca. 1866, all in Rock Castle County, Kentucky. This family history follows this line in the chapter below.
4. Walker Mullins6, (Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born 1839; married (1) Mary E. Chasteen, June 1, 1860; one son:
• 1. J. W. Mullins7
--married (2) Liddie Asbel; one son:
• 2. Overton Mullins7
5. Lorenzo D. Mullins6, (Lorenzo5,Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born 1842; married (1) daughter of John Mullins, no children; married (2) Nance Ballinger; one son:
• 1. W. H. Mullins7
6. Amanda Mullins6, born 1844; married Mike Jennings; children:
• 1. America
2. Rosa
3. Laura
2. Rosa
3. Laura
7. Henry K. Mullins6, (Lorenzo5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born 1847; married Becky Maginnes (McGinness?); had children:
• 1. William Mullins7
2. Walker Mullins7
3. Taylor Mullins7
4. Sissie Mullins7
5. George Mullins7
6. Mary Mullins7
7. Doll Mullins7
8. Hauly Mullins7
9. Jim B. Mullins7
10. Jailey Mullins7
11. Reuben Mullins7
2. Walker Mullins7
3. Taylor Mullins7
4. Sissie Mullins7
5. George Mullins7
6. Mary Mullins7
7. Doll Mullins7
8. Hauly Mullins7
9. Jim B. Mullins7
10. Jailey Mullins7
11. Reuben Mullins7
8. Johnathan B. Mullins6, (Lorenzo5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born 1849; married Tildie Frances Mullins; had children:
• 1. Laskin Mullins7
2. Janey Mullins7
3. America Mullins7
4. Nanie Mullins7
5. Florie Mullins7
6. Elijah Mullins7, died Germany 1918
2. Janey Mullins7
3. America Mullins7
4. Nanie Mullins7
5. Florie Mullins7
6. Elijah Mullins7, died Germany 1918
9. Bright G. Mullins6, (Lorenzo5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) married (1) Bell Isaacs; one son:
• 1. Jack Mullins7
--married (2) Elizabeth Laswell; children:
• 2. Wallis Mullins7
3. Daffee Mullins7
4. Lee Mullins7
5. Dave Mullins7
6. Theodory Mullins7
7. Cecil Mullins7
8. Delia Mullins7
9. Valley Mullins7
10. Edna Mullins7
11. Vera Mullins7
3. Daffee Mullins7
4. Lee Mullins7
5. Dave Mullins7
6. Theodory Mullins7
7. Cecil Mullins7
8. Delia Mullins7
9. Valley Mullins7
10. Edna Mullins7
11. Vera Mullins7
10. One daughter6, name unknown
William Dow Mullins of Kentucky and Arkansas
William Dow Mullins6 (Lorenzo Dow5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1)
William Dow Mullins6 was born in 1837 in Rock Castle County, Kentucky; died 1909 Rock Castle County, Ky. He was married at least three times: (1) Frances A. Jones, before 1858; (2) Jailey Abner (Julia Ann Abney, according to Charles S. Owens' personal communication) ca. 1860; Julia (Jailey) was the daughter of Jonathan Abney and Ollie Jane Sexton. (3) Mary Richmond; Mary died soon after birth of twins, George and John, in 1902, (4) Louisa Warren in 1866. Louisa Warren Mullins was born in 1850 in Kentucky; (5) Catherine Madden in 1905 with whom he had three children. (Except for the information on the first wife, much of the foregoing was gratefully received from the personal communication of Charles S. Owens.)
William Dow Mullins6 moved onto the George Haskell Survey in McKee Township in Kentucky (Chester Mullins, personal communication) possibly soon after he married Jailey Abner. It is reported that William Dow Mullins had a fourth wife. One of the four was a religious woman, a Campbellite (Campbell was the founder of a kind of blend of Baptists and Methodists). William Dow was known as a violent man, not kind to his womenfolk, and is not spoken well of in the family. At his death, some time around 1890?, the division of the inheritance was very confused because of the large family begotten on three or four different wives.
His oldest son, my great grandfather, had already moved away to Arkansas, having signed away his small part in the parcel of land in Kentucky, preferring that it be left intact as a living for the minor children (twins, according to family tradition) borne by William Dow Mullins' last wife.
The family also reports that some of William Dow's children by his marriage to Louisa Warren took over that tract of land, which was still in their hands into the 1900s. William Dow Mullins6 and Jailey Abner (Julia Ann Abney--see above) Mullins had children:
1.Terry Dow Mullins7, (William Dow6, Lorenzo5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born December, 1861, Kentucky; married ca. 1882, Lucy A. Miller, born March, 1862, Kentucky. This family history follows this line in the chapter below.
2. Johnathan Taylor Mullins7, born 17 March, 1864, Kentucky; died 13 May, 1919, Oklahoma.
3. William W. Mullins7?
4. Wysa Mullins7
3. William W. Mullins7?
4. Wysa Mullins7
William Dow Mullins and Louisa Warren Mullins (b. 14 Nov., 1849; d. 13 March, 1888), had children:
5. Louisa Mullins7, born 1867, Kentucky
6. William Mullins, born 1871, Kentucky
7. Amanda Mullins, born 1875, Kentucky
8. Wellington Mullins7, born 1877, Kentucky
9. Lucinda Mullins7, born 1878, Kentucky
10. America L. Mullins7, born 1879, Kentucky
11. Francis Mullins
12. Milton H. Mullins7
13. Mose Mullins7
14. Raymond Mullins7
15. Laurelia Mullins7
6. William Mullins, born 1871, Kentucky
7. Amanda Mullins, born 1875, Kentucky
8. Wellington Mullins7, born 1877, Kentucky
9. Lucinda Mullins7, born 1878, Kentucky
10. America L. Mullins7, born 1879, Kentucky
11. Francis Mullins
12. Milton H. Mullins7
13. Mose Mullins7
14. Raymond Mullins7
15. Laurelia Mullins7
William Dow Mullins and Mary E. Richmond (married 13 June, 1896) had children:
16. George Washington Mullins7, born 1 January, 1902, Rock Castle County, KY.
17. John Mullins7, twin of George, above, born 1 January, 1902, RC County, Ky.
17. John Mullins7, twin of George, above, born 1 January, 1902, RC County, Ky.
William Dow Mullins and Catherine Madden, daughter of Jefferson Madden and Nancy Jane Rash, (married 8 June, 1905) had children:
18. Lola Mae Mullins7, born 1908, RC Co., KY.
19. Lela Mullins7, born 1909, RC Co., KY
20. Beeler Mullins7, born 1909 (twin to Lela, above), RC Co., KY
19. Lela Mullins7, born 1909, RC Co., KY
20. Beeler Mullins7, born 1909 (twin to Lela, above), RC Co., KY
Terry Dow Mullins of War Eagle River, Arkansas (William Dow6, Lorenzo Dow5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1)
Terry Dow Mullins7 was born in December, 1861, in Rock Castle County, Kentucky; he married Lucinda "Lucy" A. Miller ca. 1880 in Kentucky. Lucy A. Miller was born in March, 1862 in Kentucky to John and Susie Seay Miller. John Miller was born in 1840 in Kentucky and Susie Seay was born ca. 1843 in Kentucky. John Miller was the son of John S. Miller, born 1795 in Virginia and Sarah Rose (Rosse), born 1804 (1811?) in Virginia. Sarah was the daughter of a Cherokee Indian woman, according to family tradition.
Terry Dow and Lucy Miller Mullins moved to Madison Coutny, Arkansas, along with John and Susie Seay Miller and another daughter of John Miller, who had married ____? Melton. This group settled along the War Eagle River. John Miller died at age 94 in Madison County, Arkansas; his wife Susie also died in Madison County, Arkansas. (Chester Mullins, personal communication)
In 1908, Terry Dow Mullins and Lucinda "Lucy" Miller moved to Oklahoma. Terry Dow died ca. 1923 and Lucy died ca. 1927 in Arpelar, Oklahoma. This couple had seven sons and no daughters:
1. John William "Jack" Mullins8, (Terry Dow7, William Dow6, Lorenzo Dow5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) 1881-1966, Kentucky; married (1) Annie Asher, 1880-1911; married (2) Mrs. Molly Jones Yager. Jack and Annie had daughters:
1. Jasmine Mullins, b. June 20, 1902 m. James Nathan Sittingdown b. 1893; Jasmine died Dec. 26, 1994; James N. Sittingdown died May, 1958, both buried in Comiskey Cemetery in Kansas
2. Flossie Mullins
3. Pauline Alta Mullins, 1907-1991; m. John C. Glantz, 1900-1967; had one son: (1)Walt Glantz
4. Mae Mullins, 1909-2002
4. Mae Mullins, 1909-2002
5. Johny Mullins
— John W. “Jack” Mullins and Molly Yager Mullins had children:
5. Terry Denton Mullins, 1921-2014
6. Paul Allen Mullins, 1924-1999
6. Paul Allen Mullins, 1924-1999
7. William Celdon Mullins, 1926-2012
8. Ella Dean Mullins; m. Martin
See Jack and Annie's Memorials at (soon to be uploaded and linked).
See photos of this family at (soon to be uploaded and linked).
See Jack and Annie's Memorials at (soon to be uploaded and linked).
See photos of this family at (soon to be uploaded and linked).
2. Mitchell Mullins8, (Terry Dow7, William Dow6, Lorenzo Dow5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born September 14, 1885, Rock Castle County, Kentucky; married 1905 Parkey (Parkie) Louise Estep (Smith), born October 23, 1891 in Madison County, Arkansas This family history follows this line in the chapter below.
3. Benjamin "Bee" Mullins8
4. Celdon Mullins8; married Lou Martin, had a daughter:
1. Lula Mae Mullins9
5. Oscar Lee Mullins8; married Lucy ____?
6. Floyd Mullins
7. Jesse James Mullins8; married Floy Martin
Mitchell Mullins, Sequoyah County, Oklahoma (Terry Dow7, William Dow6, Lorenzo Dow5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1)
Mitchell Mullins8 was born September 14, 1885 in Rock Castle County, Kentucky. When three years old, Mitchell was brought by his parents and maternal grandparents to the War Eagle River in Northwestern Arkansas. on August 17, 1905 in or near Pettigrew, Arkansas, Mitchell married Parkie Louise Estep (adopted name: Smith), born October 23, 1891 to William Estep and Rachel Elizabeth Lewis Atchley Estep.
Parkie Louise's maiden name is recorded as Smith on the marriage document. At the column right of this text, click Family Records and Documents to see the notes of Helen Mullins Walker, regarding Parkie’s adoption by Dr. Smith, Rachel Elizabeth's third husband. Parkie was the biological daughter of William Estep, Rachel Elizabeth's second husband, who died before his daughters could know him.
Mitchell and Parkie Estep-Smith Mullins moved to Oklahoma only three years after their marriage. Rachel Elizabeth Lewis Atchley Estep Smith moved with them. Terry Dow and Lucy Miller Mullins also moved to Oklahoma at that time. Mitchell and Parkie settled as farmers along the Arkansas River in Sequoyah County, Oklahoma. In 1941, they moved to a hill farm near Vian, Oklahoma where they lived the rest of their lives.
Mitchell Mullins died in 1968 in Vian, Oklahoma. Parkie died in 1974 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. They are both buried in the family plot in Marble City Cemeter, Marble City, Oklahoma. Mitchell and Parkie had children:
1. Terry Eugene Mullins9, (Mitchell8, Terry Dow7, William Dow6, Lorenzo Dow5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) Terry was born June 4, 1906 in Red Star, Arkansas; unmarried; died 1984, Vian, Oklahoma.
2. Chester Benjamin Mullins9, (Mitchell8, Terry Dow7, William Dow6, Lorenzo Dow5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1)b orn December 2, 1907, Arkansas; married Edna Ethel Welch, 1934. Edna was born April 1, 1916, Marble City, Oklahoma; the chapter below brings the reader to the end of this family history.
2. Chester Benjamin Mullins9, (Mitchell8, Terry Dow7, William Dow6, Lorenzo Dow5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1)b orn December 2, 1907, Arkansas; married Edna Ethel Welch, 1934. Edna was born April 1, 1916, Marble City, Oklahoma; the chapter below brings the reader to the end of this family history.
3. Mack Archie Mullins9, born July 26, 1910, Oklahoma; married Viola Muller ca 1947; had children:
• 1. David Mack Mullins10; born ca. 1950; married Mary Dell Allen, had children:
◦ 1.Tassie May Mullins11
• 3.B. Julie Mullins10
4. Helen Mullins9, born January 30, 1914, Oklahoma; married Buster Walker, ca. 1940; no children.
5. Jessie Leeila Mullins9, born March 19, 1919, Oklahoma; married Cecil Clark, ca. 1938-39, had children:
• 1. Earl Wayne Clark10, born ca. 1939; married (1) Donna Louise ___?; no children; married (2) Norma Jean ____?; had children:
◦ 1. Norma Wynn Clark11, born January 22, 1963
2. Cynthia Louise Clark11, born March 17, 1964
3. Patricia Carol Clark11, born May 9, 1965
4. Angela Lynne Clark11, born August, 1968
2. Cynthia Louise Clark11, born March 17, 1964
3. Patricia Carol Clark11, born May 9, 1965
4. Angela Lynne Clark11, born August, 1968
2. Patricia Clark (died in youth)
6. Bonnie Louisa Mullins9, born September 5, 1922; married Leonard Johnson, 1944 in Tulsa, Oklahoma; had twin sons:
• 1. Lynn Johnson10, born April 20, 1945, Tulsa, Oklahoma; married Crystal ____? 1968; had children:
◦ 1. Leonard Johnson11
2. David Johnson11
3. Trisha Johnson11
2. David Johnson11
3. Trisha Johnson11
• 2. Larry Johnson10, born April 20, 1945, Tulsa, Oklahoma; married Barbara Hanson, 1967; had children:
◦ 1. Leonard Mitchell Johnson11, born July 17, 1968
2. Albert Michael Johnson11, born July 17, 1969
3. Roxanne Johnson11, born January, 1972
2. Albert Michael Johnson11, born July 17, 1969
3. Roxanne Johnson11, born January, 1972
[For a record of the non-surviving children of Parkie and Mitchell Mullins, see the notes by Helen Mullins Walker in the Family Records and Documents. The link is in the right column of this page.]
Chester Benjamin Mullins, on to California (Mitchell8, Terry Dow7, William Dow6, Lorenzo Dow5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1)
Chester Benjamin Mullins9 was born December 2, 1907, Pettigrew, Arkansas; married Edna Ethel Welch,1934, in Marble City, Oklahoma. Chester and Edna lived in Sequoyah County, Oklahoma. They rented various small farms along the Arkansas River from 1934 to 1946, when Chester went to work in the marble quarry in Marble City, Oklahoma. After only two seasons in the quarry, Chester developed lung disease and had to move the family to California where he found work as a planing mill hand at Sacramento Box Factory near Perkins, California. Chester worked there until the late 1950s when he was hired as a janitor at Aerojet General outside Sacramento.
Chester and Edna were active members of the Baptist church on Jackson Road in Sacramento. Edna had been baptized as a young girl, but Chester was baptized as an adult along with his two oldest daughters at the church located at 65th Street and 14th Avenue in Sacramento, California. Chester later became a deacon in the Baptist church on Jackson Road.
Chester was forced to retire in 1968 when he suffered massive heart failure while on the job. He was then able to regain his health by returning to the work he loved best: farming. He and Edna had for many years a tiny farm in Wilton, California; if land deeds were written as they once were, the farm would be "located on the waters of the Cosumnes river, a tributary of the San Joaquin.”
Edna operated the family residence as a rest home for the disabled, aged and indigent from the early 1960s to the early 1980s. Chester and Edna sold the home place in 1985 and moved to Countryfield Drive in Sacramento. Chester died February 22, 1991, and Edna died on September 14, 1998. They are both buried in East Lawn Cemetery on Greenback Lane in Sacramento, California.
Chester and Edna had children:
- Anna Luesa Mullins10, born November 13, 1935, Vian, Oklahoma; married Rolland Glenn Garner,1953. See the Garner page for their family history.
2. Rosa Lee Mullins10, born February 7, 1937, Vian, Oklahoma; married Billy Dean Thomas,1958. Children:
• 1. Matthew Garth Thomas11, born November 1, 1958, Sacramento, California
2. Ramona Helayne Thomas11, born December 7, 1959, Sacramento, California, had one son: (1) Gregory Thomas
2. Ramona Helayne Thomas11, born December 7, 1959, Sacramento, California, had one son: (1) Gregory Thomas
• 3. Deanna Zoe Thomas11, born November 1, 1960, Sacramento, California; married; one son: (1) Jacob Gaitero
• 4. Rocklin Montgomery Thomas11, born October 27, 1961; one son: Benjamin Thomas
• 5. Walter Griffin Thomas11, born February 10, 1965
3. Patsy Elizabeth Mullins10, born January 3, 1939, Vian, Oklahoma; married Earl T. Weisinger, 1961. Children:
• 1. Margaret Elizabeth Weisinger11, born November 4, 1961, Sacramento, California; married Rafael Soltero. Children:
◦ 1. Elizabeth Soltero12 Married Rick Alfaro. Children: (1) Noah Alexander Alfaro (2) Ethan Alfaro (3) Cole Alfaro
2. Jessica Inez Soltero12
3. Ladislao Gabriel Gonzalez12
2. Mitchell Wesley Weisinger11, born April 17, 1963, Sacramento, California
4. Clayton Chester Mullins10, (Chester9, Mitchell8, Terry Dow7, William Dow6, Lorenzo Dow5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born May 26, 1942, Vian, Oklahoma; married Linda Darlene McCormack, 1962. Children:
• 1. Dewey Wayne Mullins11, (Clayton10, Chester9, Mitchell8, Terry Dow7, William Dow6, Lorenzo Dow5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born August 28, 1962, Sacramento, CA.
2. James Mitchell Mullins11, (Clayton10, Chester9, Mitchell8, Terry Dow7, William Dow6, Lorenzo Dow5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born September 3, 1963, Sacramento, CA
3. Clayton Chester Mullins, Jr.11, (Clayton10, Chester9, Mitchell8, Terry Dow7, William Dow6, Lorenzo Dow5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born October 30, 1965, Sacramento, CA
4. William Dow Mullins11, (Clayton10, Chester9, Mitchell8, Terry Dow7, William Dow6, Lorenzo Dow5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born February 21,1967, Sacramento, CA
5. Samuel Edward Mullins11, (Clayton10, Chester9, Mitchell8, Terry Dow7, William Dow6, Lorenzo Dow5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born May 3, 1971
2. James Mitchell Mullins11, (Clayton10, Chester9, Mitchell8, Terry Dow7, William Dow6, Lorenzo Dow5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born September 3, 1963, Sacramento, CA
3. Clayton Chester Mullins, Jr.11, (Clayton10, Chester9, Mitchell8, Terry Dow7, William Dow6, Lorenzo Dow5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born October 30, 1965, Sacramento, CA
4. William Dow Mullins11, (Clayton10, Chester9, Mitchell8, Terry Dow7, William Dow6, Lorenzo Dow5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born February 21,1967, Sacramento, CA
5. Samuel Edward Mullins11, (Clayton10, Chester9, Mitchell8, Terry Dow7, William Dow6, Lorenzo Dow5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born May 3, 1971
5. Orville Dewey Mullins10, (Chester9, Mitchell8, Terry Dow7, William Dow6, Lorenzo Dow5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born April 8, 1944, Gans, Oklahoma; married Sophie Ann Simondari,1967. Children:
• 1. Lisa Renae Mullins11, born August 6, 1969, Wichita Falls, Texas
2. Michael Anthony Mullins11, (Orville10, Chester9, Mitchell8, Terry Dow7, William Dow6, Lorenzo Dow5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born May 6, 1972, Wichita Falls, Texas
2. Michael Anthony Mullins11, (Orville10, Chester9, Mitchell8, Terry Dow7, William Dow6, Lorenzo Dow5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born May 6, 1972, Wichita Falls, Texas
6. Linda Lee Mullins10, born November 10, 1945, Vian, Oklahoma; married Larry Max McCormack, 1962. Children:
• 1. Rosanna McCormack11, born November 29, 1963, Lincoln, Nebraska
2. Larry Max McCormack, II, 11, born February 5, 1966, Sacramento, CA
2. Larry Max McCormack, II, 11, born February 5, 1966, Sacramento, CA
7. Eddie Benjamin Mullins10, (Chester9, Mitchell8, Terry Dow7, William Dow6, Lorenzo Dow5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born January 5, 1948, Sallisaw, Oklahoma; married Peggy Jean Roberts, 1973. Child:
• 1. Eddie Benjamin Mullins, II, 11, (Eddie10, Chester9, Mitchell8, Terry Dow7, William Dow6, Lorenzo Dow5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born June 5, 1977, Carmel, CA.
8. Robert Warren Mullins10, (Chester9, Mitchell8, Terry Dow7, William Dow6, Lorenzo Dow5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born October 11, 1949, Sacramento, CA; married Laura Lee Marshall, 1970. Children:
• 1. Brian Edward Mullins11, (Robert10, Chester9, Mitchell8, Terry Dow7, William Dow6, Lorenzo Dow5, Terry4, Henry3, Richard2, Matthew1) born January 26, 1972, Mather AFB, CA
2. Melissa Ann Mullins11, born September 1, 1974, Mather AFB, CA
2. Melissa Ann Mullins11, born September 1, 1974, Mather AFB, CA
I wish to acknowledge here the contribution to the information on this page made by the genealogists I have noted in the text above and Charles S. Owens and will cite here the sources which he provided for his information:
1 Rockcastle County, KY, Cemetery Records, Bonham & Hiatt, page 67.
2 Rockcastle County, KY, Marriages, Bonham & Hiatt, page 124.
3 Rockcastle County, KY, Cemetery Records, Bonham & Hiatt, page 70.
4 1880 Rockcastle Co., KY census.
5 1900 Rockcastle Co., KY census.
6 Info from Linda C. Smith, E-mail: Linda Smith/
7 Info from Linda Mason Foster, Rt. 5, Box 482, Mt. Vernon, KY 40456.
8 Rockcastle County, KY, Cemetery Records, Bonham & Hiatt, page 747.
9 Rockcastle County, KY, Marriages, Bonham & Hiatt, page 150.
10 Info from Oliver Mullins, 519 Palmer Court, Crestview, KY 41017.
11 Rockcastle Co., KY Vital Statistics Microfilm No. 216.839.
12 Rockcastle County, KY, Cemetery Records, Bonham & Hiatt, page 711.
13 Rockcastle County, KY, Marriages, Bonham & Hiatt, page 122.
14 Rockcastle County, KY, Cemetery Records, Bonham & Hiatt, page 379.
15 Rockcastle County, Ky, Marriages, Bonham & Hiatt, page 75.
16 Information from Gail Mullins Johnson
17 Rockcastle County, Ky, Marriages, Book 12.
18 1910 Rockcastle Co., KY census.
2 Rockcastle County, KY, Marriages, Bonham & Hiatt, page 124.
3 Rockcastle County, KY, Cemetery Records, Bonham & Hiatt, page 70.
4 1880 Rockcastle Co., KY census.
5 1900 Rockcastle Co., KY census.
6 Info from Linda C. Smith, E-mail: Linda Smith/
7 Info from Linda Mason Foster, Rt. 5, Box 482, Mt. Vernon, KY 40456.
8 Rockcastle County, KY, Cemetery Records, Bonham & Hiatt, page 747.
9 Rockcastle County, KY, Marriages, Bonham & Hiatt, page 150.
10 Info from Oliver Mullins, 519 Palmer Court, Crestview, KY 41017.
11 Rockcastle Co., KY Vital Statistics Microfilm No. 216.839.
12 Rockcastle County, KY, Cemetery Records, Bonham & Hiatt, page 711.
13 Rockcastle County, KY, Marriages, Bonham & Hiatt, page 122.
14 Rockcastle County, KY, Cemetery Records, Bonham & Hiatt, page 379.
15 Rockcastle County, Ky, Marriages, Bonham & Hiatt, page 75.
16 Information from Gail Mullins Johnson
17 Rockcastle County, Ky, Marriages, Book 12.
18 1910 Rockcastle Co., KY census.
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